Thursday night I attended my first Startup Princess event. It was quite the postpartum outing for me. Let's be honest, it was the first time since Emmett was born that I didn't wear a jog suit. In February my husband found a fabulous jog suit for me, and over the next two weeks I sent him back for 3 more! So now I have 4 I just rotate through during the week. I mean navy blue is definitely a different look than black! But I digress. For my first Startup Princess event (a fantastic network for women entrepreneurs www.startupprincess.com) I thought maybe the beige jog suit wasn't quite professional enough. So with trepidation I pulled on my pre-pregnancy jeans. Proudly,I could button them but(t) it wasn't pretty (and there is definitely a pun intended!).
What this all led to was my first trip to the mall with 3 children to find a shirt to hide the belly fat that is just hanging on! There is no way I would dare to attempt such a feat alone. So I brought my mom and sister Monica. Between the three of us, my girls still seemed to be racing from mirror to mirror in the Nordstrom's dressing room. Of course my 5 year old picked out a slew of rainbow colored shirts that would make Barbie Island Princess proud! Amazingly I came away with a decent shirt. I am embarrassed to admit, but sometimes new clothes just give this girl a boost of confidence to tackle a new situation.
By the time of the event I loaded my mom with pumped milk and nukies (what we call pacifiers in our house) and headed off. At the event I met some sharp women who I hope to develop relationships with. Founder Kelly King Anderson is currently running for Mrs. Utah, and has an impressive resume, and a sparkling desire to help women entrepreneurs. Janet Meiners presented (check out her blog www.newspapergirl.com) on SEO and internet marketing. I was lucky enough she used our Savvy May Creations site as a demo. I learned a huge amount, because I am quite illiterate when it comes to all this stuff. In fact my web designer Rachelle Johnson (www.ispectrummarketing.com, she is awesome) just taught me how to post a blog a little bit ago. So this night was quite enlightening.
I met some women with some great ideas. I love Amy Roskelley's Super Healthy Kids plates (www.superhealthykids.com). They are darling portion control plates for kids. And Sarah Kimmel creator of the Daily Home Planner and blogger of www.organizedmom.net is a bit of a local celebrity. I gave them samples and hope to have Sarah review my product on her blog. Networking is crucial right now for me. I have spent a lot of money, I really need to start making some :) The night was a success, I loved the Startup Princess event and venturing out of my jogsuits, even if it was a tight squeeze into those jeans.
You looked great and I would never know you just had a baby. I wish I had more time to chat after the event. Before the event I was in "prepare" mode.
I hope you learned - I wanted to spend even more time on your keywords. But there were a lot of questions and a range of abilities.
Anyway, your idea is great and you have that entrepreneur enthusiasm that I just love.
With your products, I really think partnerships are going to be the key. You should talk to the woman who does www.theteachingexperiement.com and ask her for an ad on her site in exchange for plugging hers on your blog.
If I do another event I'm going to assemble a sheet of everyone's web sites and see how many could do partnerships or cross-promote each other.
Thanks so much, I really learned a lot. I appreciate your tip, I will check it out. I am disappointed startup princess is discontinuing their events, I enjoyed it so much. Hopefully you won't mind if I pick your brain every once in a while with a question.
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