Treehouses and Halloween Costumes....you may ask yourself what these two things have in common. A compulsion to keep at it, even until the wee hours of the night, to get it done. Brent and I have this in common. For him, it is creating the ultimate treehouse, layer by layer. This years addition, a second story. He is sort-of the surrogate dad for the entire neighborhood gang. In fact, long after my children were in bed last week, the little boys from across the street were with Brent in the floodlights, handing him hammers and screws, at his every beck and call.
I become similarily absorbed in my projects. Whether it is sewing halloween costumes (I am hoping Ellery will be Rapunzel again this year...since it cost me over $75 to make her costume last year, uggh, I am still cringing), writing a business plan, or reading a great book...I get caught-up and have to keep going until completion.
At least we can understand each other.

I just had to include this darling picture of Pip and Jeddy. These unexpected playmates have been spending hours getting absolutely filthy in the sand box together. They also seem to have a habit of transporting their sand creations throughout the yard....which must be why I keep finding piles of sand on the deck, in the garden, in the treefort etc.
I love our backyard. Garden, sandbox, grass, deck, swingset, treeforts, zipline, aspen grove, firepit, fruit trees...should I keep going...and all this on only .20 acre lot. Good thing I have a house with a very small footprint :)
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