t h e m a y f i l e s is foremost a family blog, chronicling everyday life. Life including natural, healthy eating (with recipes thrown in at random), home educating (with ideas popping up sporadically), an attempt to homestead on .2 acres (with very meager yields), raising 3 of 4 children with a rare genetic disorder, and lots of highly personal family triumphs and failures. You may also find an eclectic array of musings on politics, exercise, sewing, emergency preparedness, backyard chickens, and religion. This blog isn't a campaign to glorify anyone or anything. Just simply a record.


Little Basketball Fans

The girls felt especially devious and privileged Saturday. Six-thirty came and past, 7:30 came and past... 8 pm rolled around and where were they to be found?
Munching popcorn...... and gazing wide-eyed at the BYU Cheerleaders and Cougarettes. I think they noticed there was basketball game but I'm not sure. The little man was unable to function at this time in the evening...so he and I stayed home.

This little daddy-daughter "twin" photo was too cute to leave out. Our family is so blessed to have such a wonderful Dad who spends so much time with his children.

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