t h e m a y f i l e s is foremost a family blog, chronicling everyday life. Life including natural, healthy eating (with recipes thrown in at random), home educating (with ideas popping up sporadically), an attempt to homestead on .2 acres (with very meager yields), raising 3 of 4 children with a rare genetic disorder, and lots of highly personal family triumphs and failures. You may also find an eclectic array of musings on politics, exercise, sewing, emergency preparedness, backyard chickens, and religion. This blog isn't a campaign to glorify anyone or anything. Just simply a record.


Homeschool Schedule

Quiet Reading Time (1:20 - 2:20 pm Daily)

Our Home Education Daily Schedule Monday-Thursday

(Condensed version)

5:45 Mom arises for exercise

6:15 Brent and Children Wake up

Get dressed, make bed, do hair, say prayers, brush teeth

6:30 Breakfast

Brent makes and cleans up breakfast

7:00 Piano Practicing

Ellery begins piano practice, and I arrive home about this time. We practice together for 45 minutes. This set block and 1/2 hour break before school starts has worked miracles. Ellery is far more productive with her time, knowing she will have to complete her practicing after school if necessary. Callista reads to Emmett or they just play.

7:45 Children Play/Exercise

Brent takes the children to the park or they ride bikes outside. Mom showers and gets ready, then Brent leaves for work.

8:15 Morning Gathering

9:40 Recess and Snack

10:00 Morning Lessons

12:15 Lunch Recess Clean up, eat lunch, free time, Emmett goes down for nap.

12:50 Afternoon Meeting (see next Monday post)

1:20 Silent Reading

Read quietly using book boxes. Mom has free time :) Wednesday piano lessons and library. Larissa stays until 4:00 pm on Wednesday's for Mom to run errands.

2:20 Quiet Time

Independent quiet time in room with small toy on bed, or listening to stories or music on CD. Mom prepares dinner. Ellery and mom make bread on Mondays, Callista and mom make snacks on Tuesday.

3:10 Free Time

Finish piano if necessary

5:10 Clean up for Dad and Set Table for Dinner

5:20 Dinner and Scriptures

5:50 Clean Up

6:00 Exercise/Play Time

6:40 Baths and Clean Rooms

7:00 In Bed Ellery reads aloud and mom reads aloud. Dad tells a story.

8:30 Lights Out

Fridays we wake up at the same time and piano practice. In the mornings we pleasure read. Then we have field trips for science, the arts, history, physical fitness or family fun. When we return home we do notebook pages and process our learning. If no field trip is planned we will have science lessons/experiments and projects. We then have quiet reading in the afternoons if time permits.

Here are a few snapshots of our first field trip.

We enjoyed reciting Roald Dahl's The Dentist and The Crocodile with our heads in this "massive jaw!"

This week in History we learned about nomads. Ellery drew was fascinated by this mammoth tusk at the BYU museum of Ancient History.

Ellery's notebook page about our visit to the museum.

Callista liked the "red diamonds" of amber.

Callista's notebook page about our visit.

I plan on following this schedule perfectly so please don't ever try to interrupt or throw a kink in my plans. He, he, he... We are actually determined to stick pretty closely. We expect occasional interruptions for Dr. appointments or other family events but those are bound to arise regardless of where and how you choose to educate your children.


Jessica said...

Oh this awesome!! Thanks for posting.

HanksFam said...

You inspire me. I don't ever think I could do what you're doing, but...you inspire to do more than I am. Thanks! and good luck!

Christy said...

I love how organized you are with all this - you really makes it look so much easier than it actually is. What a great schedule! Busy, but productive..and obviously fun!